
Creativity Handbook

Creativity Handbook: JLP’s Journal for a Creative Life. Find your Creative Personality Type, Daily Inspiration, Storytelling, Filmmaking and More

The Power of Routine, and Regular Connection | Tips for a Creative Life from Morning, Sunshine

Filmmaker and Creative Consultant Jen Lee

The Power of Routine

The word “routine” sometimes calls to mind drudgery or obligation, but lately I’m leaning into this move to reduce the mental and emotional labor of my days. What could I turn into automatic flows and clear off of my heavy Remembrance Plate? Brushing my teeth and making the coffee are automatic gestures now, and I’d like other things to be, as well.

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Regular Connection

I don't usually stop and say "I really mean it." But I did in this episode, which is good for when you're feeling isolated, anxious or alone. It's an exploration of how we could make connection more accessible and integrate it into our daily flow--even spontaneously. Not all interactions impact us equally, so watch through to find out which carry more bang for our connective buck--to make your reaching out efforts more powerful, too.

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