
Creativity Handbook

Creativity Handbook: JLP’s Journal for a Creative Life. Find your Creative Personality Type, Daily Inspiration, Storytelling, Filmmaking and More

Distracted Creatives: Using Your Strengths to Maximize Your Potential


By Natasha Reilly-Moynihan

Distracted often carries a negative connotation. From the time we are little, we are told to avoid distraction in order to focus on our tasks at hand and yet, the Distracted Creative draws its greatest strength from being exactly that - distracted. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that Distracted Creatives should rally to get people to see distraction as a powerful tool.

Fresh Idea Generator

Paint a mural at an elementary school. Teach people to write a poem. Hold a creativity session at a business. As a Distracted Creative, your superpower lies in sparking terrific ideas. While working on a personal or professional project, you will frequently develop many ideas in a short time span. Distracted Creatives are brilliant at coming up with multiple solutions to a problem and inspiring others to action which leads me to the second superpower for you idea-generating folks. Simply put, Distracted Creatives inspire people.

Shifting Perspective

Whether in a personal or professional setting, it is the Distracted Creative that inspires others to look at challenges from completely new perspectives. You are an asset to every creative project you understand and any team you work with because you will always discover innovative solutions and move forward in a unique fashion.

Next month, we will learn one simple way to turn what some might consider a Distracted Creative blind spot into your greatest asset.

Creative Consulting for Distracted Creatives


Natasha Reilly-Moynihan is a writing specialist, cinematographer and creative consultant at JLP. She works with innovative thinkers looking to expand their ideas, for-profit and non-profit leaders looking to give projects a new jolt, and fun-loving souls who have become “too serious". Her superpowers include exceptional listening and the ability to cultivate levity and humor. 

Click here to schedule a free phone consultation to discover what Natasha's skills can bring to your world.