
Creativity Handbook

Creativity Handbook: JLP’s Journal for a Creative Life. Find your Creative Personality Type, Daily Inspiration, Storytelling, Filmmaking and More

Where to Focus : Self Care Strategies from Morning, Sunshine

Socks with text overlay reading “New From Morning, Sunshine: One Body Part”

One Body Part (Episode 60)

There's a lot going on today, inside and outside this body of yours. So much grist for the mind mill. In these moments a little mindfulness can go a long way toward keeping us embodied, where we can feel our intuition and somatic wisdom more clearly. But Taking Care can feel overwhelming, like one more thing we Aren't Doing Enough, so today we're keeping it simple by focusing on One Body Part. Maybe you check in on your One Part throughout the day, or take pauses to scan and alternate. Is there tension inside your elbow that you could straighten out and massage a minute? How about that area just above your ears? Let me know what part you're givin' some care and attention to today.

Treat Menu (Episode 59)

I forget, a lot, about the things that I like or enjoy. I'm good at remembering the things I need. Can you relate? In the episode below we're pulling things that bring us pleasure into the spotlight and creating a playful reminder to counteract this kind of forgetfulness and balance our tendency toward duty and obligation. Take it for a spin and see what forgotten pleasures come to *your* mind.