
Creativity Handbook

Creativity Handbook: JLP’s Journal for a Creative Life. Find your Creative Personality Type, Daily Inspiration, Storytelling, Filmmaking and More

Resilience and Realism, and Rebuilding the Bicycle

Tree leaves against blue sky. Text reads: Resilience and Realism, New on Morning, Sunshine

I've been thinking for a long time about hope and realism--what hope means to us when we think of that word, how it differs from optimism or positivity. I think the belief I was dismantling underneath the vocabulary was about wishing things were different than they are, and thinking the wishing had some power in and of itself, when in my experience it often prevented me from looking or dealing directly with things as they actually are.

It's been almost a month since I first read the article "Our Pandemic Summer" by Ed Yong, and I still think about this one part I share here every day.

Resilience and realism has been a place for me to drop anchor. Instead of hanging my hope hat on an imaginary future date when "this will go away," I'm hanging mine on our resilience. Looking as straight as I can at a reality that is far from what I would wish. It's keeping me more steady, and patient, and strong.

Morning, Sunshine. This one's for you.

Watch Resilience and Realism (Episode 77):

Rebuild the Bicycle. Alt title: Question Everything. This is my go-to move for extreme flexibility and foundation-level regrouping.

Here I share what I mean by rebuilding the bicycle, how I use this practice in ordinary time, and also how it feels useful right now.

Morning, Sunshine.

Watch Rebuild the Bicycle (Episode 78):