
Creativity Handbook

Creativity Handbook: JLP’s Journal for a Creative Life. Find your Creative Personality Type, Daily Inspiration, Storytelling, Filmmaking and More

Introducing Integrate in the Rockies, November 2010

Integrate Retreat in the Rockies from Jen Lee on Vimeo.

I really, honestly thought the next Voice and Story retreat wouldn't be until 2011, but then the stars aligned so well on this one that I couldn't resist.

I remember asking Phyllis, my partner in April's Integrate retreat, "Wouldn't it be great to take this show on the road?  Wouldn't you love to do this in Colorado, too?"

We had no idea we would get our chance so soon.

I've been dreaming of a vacation home in the heart of the mountains.  We found it.  I've been dreaming of having my friend, Caren, join us.  She'll be there.

I've been dreaming of you, and the new futures we will create together.  I hope you'll come.

Registration is now open, and all the details are here.

(More updates from the studio and stories from Squam coming soon.)

Jen Lee