
Creativity Handbook

Creativity Handbook: JLP’s Journal for a Creative Life. Find your Creative Personality Type, Daily Inspiration, Storytelling, Filmmaking and More

Don't-Miss Events and a movie-worthy life

Momasphere event at Melt


Momasphere events, like this one I performed at a couple weeks ago, are gaining a reputation for being don't-miss occasions. My upcoming Momasphere workshop, Make Room for Mom's Voice (December 6th), is going to be no exception.  Some are making arrangements to come into NYC the night before and spend the night here before the Sunday morning workshop, which I think is a great idea.  But the spots left for this are really limited, so if you're interested in coming consider registering first and working out the details afterwards.

I keep listening to this over and over again:  Billy Collins reading/speaking at CUNY. (Thanks to Katie at Cakes, Tea and Dreams for sharing this link on Twitter. Follow her.)

And finally, here's a podcast to close out our week together.

"A lot of things can't really nourish us until they're complete."

Writing, events, podcastsJen Lee