
Creativity Handbook

Creativity Handbook: JLP’s Journal for a Creative Life. Find your Creative Personality Type, Daily Inspiration, Storytelling, Filmmaking and More

A New Baseline, and Reimagining Service

Flower pot, copper tea cup and basket of books with the words “Reimagine: New on Morning, Sunshine”

Sometimes you lose track of what day it is or what meal you are on, especially when the sky is dark like nightfall in the afternoon. When you remember, sitting beside her, how much you loved trig and how you miss doing puzzles and solving things together. So many things cannot be solved today, at least by you, but this equation can be tackled to the ground. Then you remember, going into the downslope of the day, this morning greeting, still waiting to be sent.

Maybe it's just as well. Maybe it underscores these thoughts, the need presented by this season to exercise grace and flexibility. The brightening, late-day sky outside reminds you: Sunshine can come at surprising times.

Today I send you a place to rest your heavy head, and a steady beat for when you catch your second wind. A reminder that pop music exists and is sometimes nice this time of day. I wish for you a break in the rain, and a deep surrender when it falls. I wish you sweet memories of days that taught you what you're made of. And dreams of things you can let go into. Green fields. Soft blankets and safety nets. For all that falls, others still hold steady and unchanging and strong.

Watch A New Baseline (Ep 73):

It's a new day, friends. I don't always know what to say in the way that we don't always know what we can do right now. But it doesn't stop the impulse from coming: to reach out, to speak up, to offer, to take care. In today's episode, we look at reimagining service, one of the most powerful opportunities of this time.

Now put that kettle on, Sunshine. There is light in this day and it wants to fall on you. 

Watch Reimagining Service (Ep 74):