
Creativity Handbook

Creativity Handbook: JLP’s Journal for a Creative Life. Find your Creative Personality Type, Daily Inspiration, Storytelling, Filmmaking and More

Videos that are getting me through

I've shared some links on social media recently about some videos that are getting me through these  days, but wanted to post them here, too, so you don't miss them. I'm deep in my work right now, which means I need things like:


This short set my friend Ophira Eisenberg did on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson is still cracking me up. Ophira shares her storytelling know-how in our home study course: Telling Your Story, also featuring Peter Aguero. You can also pre-order her memoir here.

The kind of advice about courage that only children can give.

I found this great short film via my friend Tim Manley, who is both talented and endearing. The girls and I keep singing the song from the end: "The Scared is Scared". And the truth is, I need it quite often.

Dancing and grooving.

This "Some Nights" cover by Walk Off the Earth and Julia Nunes has such a great groove that you'll want to download the mp3 and add it to your Rock It Out playlist.

What's getting YOU through, these days?

good things, videosJen Lee