Jen Lee

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Self-Care and Soul Work

Photo: The new sweater I knit for myself (design by moi). this
  • Knitting things just for myself.  When I put on a hand-knit garment, I swear I can feel all the love that was woven into each stitch.  It feels generous and luxurious and somehow affirms my value to myself--that I could be worthy of such labor.  I let this truth sink in to me with the warmth the wool holds near.
  • Listening to a mix CD from my sister on repeat, especially this song--which I admit I'm late to, but this chorus is my anthem for the week:
Don't worry you will find the answer if you let it go Give yourself some time to falter But don't forgo knowing that you're loved no matter what And everything will come around in time --Sarah McLachlan, Perfect Girl
  • Eating my magic chocolate chip cookies. This is the closest thing to a magic potion in my possession.  The dark chocolate chips are the most important ingredient--dark chocolate is a powerful thing.
  • Steeping myself in love.  Writing my dear ones or calling them or reading the notes they've sent to me.  Remembering I'm not on this journey alone.  Like a hot bath that warms you to the core if you stay in it long enough, I try to let their love soak in all the way.  Nothing to think about here, just the warmth to bathe in.