Jen Lee

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The Anatomy of Discovery, Part Two: A Multitude of Teachers

This week features a series of posts to unpack and unfold the anatomy, so to speak, or design of The Iconic Self Online Experience to give you a window into how it works and why it is such a distinctive offering. But these elements are also core elements of all of our Soulful Journey offerings, and things my friends and collaborators looks for as hallmarks in our own journeys of resources that we trust and ultimately rely on. Our own experiences of powerful discovery all have these things in common--so whether or not The Iconic Self Online Experience is your right thing at your right time, my hope is that this Anatomy of Discovery will regardless help light your way.

Part Two: A Multitude of Teachers

The truth is, I am wary of any resource or offering that hinges solely on our interaction with a single guru/charismatic personality/linch-pin answer-holder. Anything that even hints of a cult of personality warrants a wide berth in my world.

The truth is: Journeys like ours started long ago and will continue long after today.

What would be like to revisit and acknowledge the mentors who have walked with you to this place?

How would your future path benefit from knowing how to find teachers, mentors and guides--whenever and wherever you need them?

Our latest offering begins gathering your multitude of teachers with the instructors:  There are two of us, with vastly different temperaments, complimentary strengths, and representing a wide spectrum of physicality, experiences and credentials.

But we don't stop there--we connect to the people who have drawn us along the way, as well as those who call to us in this moment. We learn how to recognize what they offer us, and how to borrow their essence to move us into a more complete experience of ourselves. 

I remember a conversation Phyllis and I had years ago about how hard it was for us to find the mentors we longed for at that time. One thing this journey has given us both is the ability to find mentors and guides, when and where we need them--and we have not been the same.

Discover a multitude of teachers in The Iconic Self Online Experience.