Jen Lee

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Interviewing Michael Nobbs, and other exciting news

​There's so much to tell you about this morning, I hardly know where to begin. 

Let's start with Michael Nobbs, the creator of and the author of Drawing Your Life, whose work has been a comfort and inspiration to me over these last difficult months. I had the pleasure of interviewing Michael in the latest episode of Retrospective: The Podcast. If you're doing creative work inside of time or energy constraints, you won't want to miss this conversation. Jump over and give it a spin, or subscribe and listen in iTunes.​

What's next? Well, at 8am PST, registration will open for the Story Excavation Retreat on the Oregon Coast with Liz Lamoreux and Kelly Barton, which is the only 5-day retreat I'm teaching at this year.​ This coast is a sacred landscape for me, where I've done much of my own healing and becoming. I can't imagine anything I'd love more than to cozy up on the sofa next to you.

​Lodge at Gearhart (photo by Vivienne McMaster)

​Finally, a quick update about the Indie Kindred summer screening tour: we are totally doing this. I have our route and itinerary in place for July and I'm working on August dates and getting venues lined up. My girls and I are traveling from coast to coast to see you, and I can hardly wait. (Stay tuned--details to come.)

Thank you for all the enthusiasm and support for this work, in all of its manifestations. Now, back to the film cave . . . ​