Jen Lee

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Confessions, Part 4: Happy to Forget Who I Am

Our stories are like our fingerprints. Distinct. Like no one else's. Completely unique and completely human. It's why giving people a voice is so important. We NEED everyone's stories. We NEED your story. --Rowena Murillo

I wanted to make sure no one missed this comment that Rowena left on yesterday's post.  It had me saying a loud "Amen!" just before pulling the covers over my head.  I don't understand this dynamic in myself--it seems that knowing you have something the world needs might inspire a person, or spur her to action, but in my case it often feels like the opposite occurs.

I'm so happy to tell other people how important their work is, or how the world needs it.  How they must not give up. And these things are all true.  But often, I'm trying to shirk something off on them--if I can get them to tell stories that change the world, I'll be off the hook from having to do the same myself.  Or I try auditioning for the role of their sidekick, so I can come along for their ride.  If you are wondering how annoying this must be, just ask my friends.  I'm sure they'll be happy to tell you.

This is a mystery to me: why part of me knows exactly who I am and another part tries relentlessly to forget.  There's a possibility that I'm not willing to claim, and a fear that I haven't yet been able to name, and they are skittering through the shadows in my internal attic. 

But I'm onto them now, and the hunt is on.


How about you? Over the weekend, use your TMWY pages to hunt for unclaimed possibilities and unnamed fears.  We can share our wounds and triumphs next week.